Implemented and current projects

2024 - 2026 - Introduction of monitoring the wetlands of international importance in the Carpathian region - WeVaRe. INTERREG VI-A NEXT Hungary Slovakia Romania Ukraine 2021-2027. Programme 2024 – 2026. Responsible leader: Uzhhorod National University (UA). Co-investigator IHMB UNIZA: Lenka Zábojníková, Tatiana Pitoňáková, Martin Janiga.

2023 – 2026: HUMANITA (Human-Nature Interactions and Impacts of Tourist Activities on Protected Areas). INTERREG CE (CE0100248). Lead partner: University of Žilina, Department of Geotechnics. Cooperating organization: IHMB UNIZA

2021 – 2022: Determination of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in the internal organs of Lutra lutra from the vicinity of Liptovská Mara. UNIZA grant competition in the sense of the call No. 1/2021 and Directive No. 180 Grant system of the University of Žilina in Žilina. Tatiana Pitoňáková.

2019 – 2023: Analysis of factors influencing crop response to potyvirus infection at the molecular and cellular levels. APVV-18-0005 (Agency for Research and Development, SR). Cooperating organization: IHMB UNIZA, Daniel Mihálik et al.

2017 – 2021: A metagenomic approach for identification and characterization of viral diseases in selected medicinal plant species. APVV-16-0026 (Agency for Research and Development, SR). Daniel Mihálik et al.

2015 – 2019: Efficient diagnosis of viruses threatening tomato production in Slovakia. APVV-14-0055 (Agency for Research and Development, SR). Cooperating organization: IHMB UNIZA; Daniel Mihálik et al.

2015 – 2017: Nature conservation as an opportunity for regional development (CBC01012). Partnership cooperation with the State Nature Conservation Agency (SR) within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism project. Marián Janiga et al.

2015 – 2017: Modern teaching methods in alpine ecology (SK06-IV-02-003). Institutional cooperation between the Institute of High Mountain Biology, University of Žilina and Hogskolen i Telemark, Norway. EEA Scholarship Programme Slovakia. Project coordinator: Marián Janiga.

2015: Workshop on current conservation issues of high mountains in Norway and the Slovak Republic. Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Martina Kufelová et al.

2014-2014: Needle net (CZ/FMP.16/0379). FMP OPPS SR-CR (European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme for Cross-Border Cooperation Slovakia - Czech Republic 2007 - 2013), Support area: micro-project fund. Principal investigator: Eva Klemmová Gregušková (IHMB UNIZA); Pavel Čupr (Recetox, Masaryk University Brno).

2012 – 2015: Joint Master’s Degree in Ecology, Specialisation Alpine Ecology. University of Zilina and Telemark University College (IJD2012/10359). Project of Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education. Anette Staaland/Marián Janiga

2013 – 2017: Alpine vegetation as an indicator of environmental contamination. APVV-0380-12 (Agency for Research and Development, SR). Marián Janiga et al.

2013 – 2015: Cooperation of experts from international research institutions with scientists from the Institute of High Mountain Biology of the University of Žilina, aimed at increasing the level of education and research. Project Ministry of Education SR, Structural Funds EU, Research programme. Marián Janiga et al.

2012 – 2015: Completion of the alpine high mountain research centre in Slovakia - Institute of High Mountain Biology of the University of Žilina for the needs of synergistic cooperation in the network of similar workplaces in Europe. Project Ministry of Education SR, Structural Funds EU, Research and Development programme. Marián Janiga et al.

2012 – 2015: Investments in instrumentation and laboratory technology for subsequent development and verification of standards for biotic monitoring of impacts of the pulp industry in mountain landscapes, model area Ružomberok. Project Ministry of Education SR, Structural Funds EU, Research and Development programme. Daniel Mihálik et al.

2011 – 2015: Development of nature conservation and protected areas in the Slovak Carpathians. Partnership cooperation with the State Nature Conservation (SR) within the Swiss Financial Mechanism project. Co-organisation: IHMB UNIZA, Marián Janiga et al.

2011 – 2013: Water quality of mountain ecosystems (environment) of Kyrgyzstan (KGZ-11/0005). Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. Marián Janiga et al.

2011: Landscape revitalization and integrated watershed management in the Slovenská Ves municipality. Programme of landscape revitalisation and integrated river basin management of the Slovak Republic 2011. Rudolf Šoltés et al.

2009 – 2011: Summer school of alpine biology. Project of the Norwegian financial mechanism (NIL-II-017-d). Martin Lukáň et al.

2009 – 2010: Harmonizing approaches in zoomonitoring of alpine ecosystems in Bulgaria and Slovakia, using small mammal monitor communities. Bilateral project SK-BG-0023-08. Researchers: Marián Janiga, Martina Jurčovičová, et al. (IHMB UNIZA) / Margarita Topashka-Ancheva, Krastio Dimitrov et al. (Institute of Zoology, Bulgar Academy of Sciences).

2009 – 2011: Biotic characteristics of climate change above the tree level zone – Project VEGA (Science Grant Agency) Ministry of Education SR and SAS (Slovak Academy of Science). Rudolf Šoltés et al.

2008 – 2011: Institute of High Mountain Biology – a unique research centre in the West Carpathians (SK 0061). EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism Project. Marián Janiga et al.

2008: Influence of global warming on accumulated anthropogenic heavy metal cycle in the biota of high mountains. Project Ministry of Transport and Communications, Kyrgyz Republic. Marián Janiga et al.

2008 – 2009: Influence of climat change on specific apparatus heavy metal accumulation in Crustacea and Diatoma of Tatra alpine lakes. Project VEGA (Science Grant Agency) Ministry of Education SR and SAS (Slovak Academia of Sciebnce). Jana Júdová et al.

2007 – 2009: Utilization of the host genus Prunella (Aves) for a definition of the most important areas of infections of Yersinia enterocolitica, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon in horizontal and vertical profile of the Western Carpathian Mountains. Projekt VEGA (Science Grant Agency), Ministry of Education SR and SAS (Slovak Academie of Science). Marián Janiga et al.

2006 – 2009: Pilot study programe „Ranger“. Structural funds EU, Ministry of Education SR. Marián Janiga et al.

2005 – 2007: Cycle of transboundary lead in biota of alpine vegetation level of high mountains of Slovakia and PCR-DNA characteristics of selected subpopulations of animal taxa influenced by lead intoxication. Project AV4/0020/05. Marián Janiga et al.

2005 – 2006: Molecular biotracking of the Low Fatra bears. Management and conservation of the EU Community brown bear population 14320200004 INTERREG III A SR-CR. Faculty of Management and Informatics UNIZA, IHMB UNIZA: Monika Fečková.

2005 – 2006: Laboratory of the molecular biology at the Institute of High Mountain Biology – Program Ministry of Education SR - Development of unique workplaces. Marián Janiga et al.

2003: Contamination of natural trophic habitats of the Tatra chamois by metal pollution under the "Programme for the conservation of the Tatra chamois for the years 2001-2005" in the territory of the Tatra National Park and the Low Tatras National Park. Project Ministry of the Environment SR. Marián Janiga

2002 – 2004: Diagnosis of fragmentation of vertebrate populations in the protected areas. APVT-20-026102. Leader of the research team: Marián Janiga et al.

2001 – 2005: Comaprison of local chamois populations in the Low, West, Belianske Tatra mountains and the Great Fatra mountains, within the framework of the Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica) Rescue, Ministry of the Environment SR. Marián Janiga

2001 – 2003: Molecular diagnostics of microflora of digestive tract of animals. VEGA (Science Grant Agency) SR 2/1003/21.Principal investigator: Vladimír Kmeť, co-investigator: Marián Janiga.

2000 – 2002: Microscopic and macroscopic analysis of Canis lupus faeces samples with a focus on the determination of the abundance of Rupicapra rupicapra in the diet of wolves. Project for the rescue of the Tatra chamois Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica, Ministry of the Environment SR. Marián Janiga

2000 – 2002: Analysis of mitochondrial DNA of the Tatra chamois Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica and comparative analysis of microsatelite loci. Project for the rescue of the Tatra chamois Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica, Ministry of the Environment SR. Etore Randi/Marián Janiga

2000 – 2001: Study of coevolution between hosts and parasites on model species of parasites (Collyriclum faba, Philopterus emiliae, Ricimus subpallidus) and birds of mountain and alpine ecosystems. Project No. 82 - 070 Slovak - Czech intergovernmental scientific and technical cooperation for the years 2000-2001. Czech partner: University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Science, Brno: Ivan Literák, Slovak partner: Univerzity of Žilina: Marián Janiga.

1999 – 2001: Seasonal variation in the pattern of flow of the emission lead in alpine biota of the High Tatra Mountains and its influence on the intensity of lead accumulation in the developmental stages of a model vertebrate species - Prunella collaris. VEGA (Science Grant Agency) SR, grant No. 1/6064/99. Marián Janiga.